Country: United Kingdom
Email: robert.maragh@signsofsafety.net
Languages: English
Pronoun: (he/him)
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer 🔵
Robert worked as a front-line practitioner and manager in multi-disciplinary services 
for 27 years, before becoming a freelance consultant in 2011 as a trainer and facilitator within the public and private sectors in the UK and USA. He has a professional background in project management, training and development, resource management, commissioning and procurement, and children’s health and social care operations. Robert has held assignments in two England Innovation Project (EIP) authorities to support the implementation of Signs of Safety and has supported a further 12, providing support and wider organisational improvements using the principles, discipline and tools. 

Robert has presented to various All-Party Parliamentary Groups on the needs of vulnerable children, and on the health of refugee children in particular. He developed the first response services for children affected by HIV & AIDS in East London across five boroughs, he led the development of partnership models for meeting the needs of looked after children in twelve North East London boroughs. He has led and chaired a number of pan-London reviews which led to improved structures and increased funding covering health visiting, school nursing and Children’s Emotional Wellbeing. He has managed multi-disciplinary services covering ill health and long-term conditions, housing support, disabled children, children’s rights and looked after children.

He has designed and delivered community and youth and social work courses for the Inner London Education Authority and Oxford Brookes University. In addition to training, Robert has carried out numerous reviews and audits. He has held non-executive Director roles in social housing and health services.
He uses the Signs of Safety approach and evidence base practice in all aspects of his assignments and is currently supporting improvement work in two Authorities as well as delivering an assignment to support choice and quality in placing children in residential provision. He provides training to a range of practitioners and managers in multi-disciplinary teams, Early Help, Health, Education, Youth Justice, and Children’s Social Care. 

Robert has presented to various All-Party Parliamentary Groups on the needs of vulnerable children, and on the health of refugee children in particular. He developed the first response services for children affected by HIV & AIDS in East London across five boroughs, he led the development of partnership models for meeting the needs of looked after children in twelve North East London boroughs. He has led and chaired a number of pan-London reviews which led to improved structures and increased funding covering health visiting, school nursing and Children’s Emotional Wellbeing. He has managed multi-disciplinary services covering ill health and long-term conditions, housing support, disabled children, children’s rights and looked after children.

He has designed and delivered community and youth and social work courses for the Inner London Education Authority and Oxford Brookes University. In addition to training, Robert has carried out numerous reviews and audits. He has held non-executive Director roles in social housing and health services.
He uses the Signs of Safety approach and evidence base practice in all aspects of his assignments and is currently supporting improvement work in two Authorities as well as delivering an assignment to support choice and quality in placing children in residential provision. He provides training to a range of practitioners and managers in multi-disciplinary teams, Early Help, Health, Education, Youth Justice, and Children’s Social Care.