Country: Japan
Email: ai.hishikawa@signsofsafety.net
Languages: English, Japanese
Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer; Signs of Safety Regional Contact for Japan 🔵
Ai is the professor from the social work department at Tokai University, the School of Health, Department of Health Management. Ai has a long history of working with families and children dealing with family violence and is involved in direct practice undertaking forensic interviewing with children who have been sexually abused in the Tokyo area. Ai has a long experience with solution-focused brief therapy and is committed to leading and building child protection services that work collaboratively with families. The Signs of Safety provided Ai with a clear method and vision for bringing a collaborative focus to child protection work and she has trained and led many agencies and practitioners in the approach. She is the Signs of Safety Regional Director for Japan and currently works as a Signs of Safety Trainer for Saitama City, Saga Prefecture, and Setagaya City in Tokyo Metropolitan area. She also leads the inter-agency child protection social workers’ group in the Kanto region as well as the inter-prefecture Signs of Safety leaders’ group across Japan.