
A comprehensive overview of the Signs of Safety approach and underpinning theory, as well as detailing the research and implementation science that supports it. The Signs of Safety Briefing Paper is now available for free on the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank. Click below for download details.

This book is a narrative of Agi Gault’s life interspersed with a collection of her poems that describe her personal experience of going through the care system in the United Kingdom as an adopted and abused child.
Agi has said that “My experience of coming up through the care system is not unique. There are thousands and thousands of people with stories similar to mine.” Sadly, we only rarely hear directly from young people in the care system in this way and while many are helped, many also feel confused and lost in the system.
Agi wants The Third Space to be a catalyst for change for how children’s services and other agencies support children in their care or who are adopted to remain connected to their birth families.
The Third Space is exclusively available for order for Kindle/tablet download via Amazon.

This book presents an innovative, safety-focused, partnership-based model called Resolutions, which provides an alternative approach for responding rigorously and creatively to cases where where parents refute child abuse allegations made against them. The book is key reading for legal, health and social care professionals working in the area of child protection.

A Solution and Safety Orientated Approach to Child Protection Casework
A revolutionary approach to child protection work; this book focuses on the question, “How can child protection professionals actually build partnerships with parents where there is suspected or substantiated child abuse or neglect?” It brings the solution-oriented model to child protection work, expanding the investigation of risk to encompass signs of safety that can be built upon to stabilise and strengthen the child’s and family’s situation.

When taking up the Signs of Safety, organisations have recognised the value of Appreciative Inquiry (D. Cooperider & D. Whitney, 2005) for ongoing learning and practice development.
The Appreciative Inquiry Workbook is available now, the premier guide to the use of Appreciative Inquiry by child protection organisations implementing Signs of Safety.
Examples, exercises, and straightforward guidance, provide everything practitioners and leaders need to use Appreciative Inquiry in an environment of shared learning and reflection. Also included are links to videos of live Appreciative Inquiry conversations with families and professionals. The Appreciative Inquiry Workbook will assist organisations to design learning processes where families, support networks, practitioners, and all staff fully participate in reflective conversations.

This video presents the clinical work of Susie Essex demonstrating the Resolutions approach to building safety in cases of ‘denied’ child abuse. The video focuses on a family where an infant has suffered serious unexplained injuries, with the family members played by actors.
Note for purchases on behalf of organisations and educational institutions: All sales on the store are intended for individuals only. Organisations and other institutions can access these products (and many more resources) via a subscription to the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank.

Digital download only
This workbook is designed as a hands-on resource for practitioners and supervisors using the Signs of Safety approach. It covers using the assessment and planning framework, the My Three Houses™ tool, Words and Pictures explanations and safety planning. Numerous case examples are provided throughout.
Note for purchases on behalf of organisations and educational institutions: All sales on the store are intended for individuals only. Organisations and other institutions can access these products (and many more resources) via a subscription to the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank.

In this video and workbook Andrew Turnell outlines the Signs of Safety approach to child protection casework, including its history, the assessment and planning framework and the analysis process for using the protocol. He uses a detailed case example to demonstrate the assessment process as a map that enables both professionals and family members to think themselves into and through the situations of child abuse and neglect. Also highlighted are the essential questioning skills that bring the Signs of Safety approach to life.
The Signs of Safety approach is a constantly evolving model for child protection. As such, this video is now outdated and has been removed from sale to the public. The video is still available as an historical reference on the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank (subscription required).
More resources can be downloaded via a subscription to the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank.

This is the German version of the Safety Planning Workbook
Dieses Arbeitsbuch möchte Fachkräfte der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe bei dieser letztendlich schwierigsten Frage im Kinderschutz leiten. Das erste Kapitel dieses Arbeitsbuches, „12 Schritte in der Sicherheitsplanung”, zeigt eine detaillierte Struktur zur Ausführung des Sicherheitsplanungsprozesses. Das zweite Kapitel untersucht Sicherheitsplanung für ein Fallbeispiel von Drogenkonsum, häuslicher Gewalt und einer Mutter, die zuvor drohte ihr ältestes Kind zu töten.

This workbook is designed to guide professionals in the details of safety planning. The first chapter sets out 12 steps of safety planning and explores each in detail. The second chapter provides a detailed example of using these steps in a case involving a new baby and a three-year-old in care where there are concerns about drug use, domestic violence and the mother having previously made threats to kill the eldest child.
Note for purchases on behalf of organisations and educational institutions: All sales on the store are intended for individuals only. Organisations and other institutions can access these products (and many more resources) via a subscription to the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank.

Building meaningful safety plans is probably the hardest of all tasks in working with high-risk child protection cases. It is far easier for professionals to send parents to another course or treatment programme than to define what constitutes enough safety to close the case and involve family and professionals in working to realise that goal. Without clear safety goals, cases tend to drag on and child protection systems find they have increasing numbers of children in care for longer time.
The Signs of Safety approach is a constantly evolving model for child protection. As such, this video is now outdated and has been removed from sale to the public. The video is still available as an historical reference on the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank (subscription required).
Note for purchases on behalf of organisations and educational institutions: All sales on the store are intended for individuals only. Organisations and other institutions can access these products (and many more resources) via a subscription to the Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank.
Showing all 8 resultsSorted by price: high to low
Of Houses, Wizards and Fairies Video & Workbook
$50.00 Add to cart -
Resolutions with Injured Infant Case – Demonstration Video by Susie Essex
$40.00 Add to cart -
Appreciative Inquiry Workbook for Signs of Safety Whole Systems Implementation
$30.00 Add to cart -
Sicherheitsplanung Arbeitsbuch
$20.00 Add to cart -
Signs of Safety Workbook
$20.00 Add to cart -
Safety Planning Workbook – PDF Download
$20.00 Add to cart -
The Third Space
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Signs of Safety Comprehensive Briefing Paper
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