Country: Belgium
This 3-day training workshop is aimed at social workers, family therapists and professionals who work with children, young people and their families where there are concerns about a child’s or young person’s safety, health and/or development. In this basic training course for Signs of Safety the following areas are covered in the program:
How and why the Signs of Safety approach was created
The approach framework including interactive hands-on practice with one central case and cases in your own practice
Good practice — what it is and how to achieve it
Making sure the voice of the child is at the centre of our work
Family Safety Network and how to find them
- Each day begins with a session in Mindfulness
Facilitated by licensed Signs of Safety trainer, Lies Van Nuland.
- Ticket prices for 3-day course include lunch, drinks, snacks and use of the garden area
- EARLYBIRD PRICE: If registered before 1 February, the tickets are €480 ex. tax per person
- If registered after 1 February, the tickets are €550 ex. tax per person
- For more information and to register, please email