Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry Workshop

26 September 2023

12:30 pm – 3:30 pm UTC+0

These workshops will be held online via Zoom
Places are extremely limited

Tickets on sale now!

Deze workshops worden later dit jaar in het Nederlands gegeven.

Countries: Timezones best suit UK and Ireland, Europe, Canada & USA

We are really excited to announce some upcoming online practice workshops!

This popular series of four online, three-hour practice workshops will focus on building practitioner’s skills in applying Signs of Safety in their everyday work with children, parents, their support network and professional partners.

Here are the dates and details of the four online workshops, plus the theme of each workshop. 

20th September: Analysis — Danger Statements, Safety Goals and Safety Scaling Questions

26th September: Appreciative Inquiry

5th October: Safety Planning — Timeline and Trajectory

12th October: Safety Planning — Preparation, Monitoring and Review

This workshop will give an opportunity for participants to grow their skill in the use of Appreciative Inquiry and to understand what makes this way of learning the “engine room of Signs of Safety”. We will look at the hard question of how Appreciative Inquiry might be included in day-to-day practice in the midst of competing demands experienced by all child protection professionals. Fred and Manna will share highlights of their experiences and reflections found in their newly released Appreciative Inquiry Workbook and will lead a conversation about how Appreciative Inquiry is foundational to the implementation of Signs of Safety.

Participants attending this workshop will receive a complimentary PDF copy of Manna and Fred’s new Appreciative Inquiry workbook.

Facilitated by Manna Van ‘t Slot and Fred Magie.

Workshop times are listed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Please note your local time for the workshop using the widget below!
Time converter at


  • Tickets on sale now.
  • These three-hour workshops will be interactive and therefore places are extremely limited for each session.
  • Each participant must register individually and attend using their own computer so they can fully participate in the group and breakout activities.
  • This will be an interactive practice workshop. To help facilitate this, we ask all participants to be on audio and video for the session. Please join from a computer with good internet connectivity (to the best of your ability) with a webcam and use a set of headphones with a microphone. Using headphones with a microphone rather than your computer’s built-in speakers and microphone will improve the quality of your audio and help improve everybody’s experience of the workshop.
  • Workshops are GBP£40 per person.
  • Once you have successfully registered, you will be sent all the information you need to participate in the Zoom workshop including Zoom meeting ID and password 48 hours prior to the workshop commencing. If you haven’t received your email with Zoom details by the day of the workshop, please remember to check your Junk folder for these details or contact urgently so you don’t miss out!


Manna van ‘t Slot studied Child Psychology and has worked since 2008 as a supervisor at Bureau Jeugdzorg Drenthe, spending several years with the Referral and Assessment Team and several years with Long Term Child Protection Teams.

Manna has provided training in the Signs of Safety approach to workers, supervisors, and managers throughout The Netherlands and German speaking countries, as well as internationally. She has worked intensely with Andrew Turnell and knows the Signs of Safety approach inside out. Equally important is the fact that she is an enthusiastic leader and supervisor of front-line child protection workers. Manna has presented on this subject at several Signs of Safety Gatherings.

Effective child protection practice is grounded in practitioners who can think through cases systematically and with depth — this happens most consistently where people work in strong teams, and such teams require strong leadership and structured individual and group supervision. Leadership, supervision and teamwork in using Signs of Safety as a parallel process is Manna’s specialty. Manna wants people to understand the processes, ideas, and attitudes behind the Tools of Signs of Safety, so people can integrate them in their own system and thrive towards structural whole system learning.

Fred Magie

Fred Magie is a Signs of Safety trainer and consultant based in Hamilton, Ontario. Fred has a deep appreciation for what it can mean to implement Signs of Safety within a child protection organization, having witnessed the commitment and diligence of many in both Canada and the United States. Using this perspective, Fred brings his reflective style to the work of growing an agency’s capacity to assess and build safety plans collaboratively and through critical thinking. As well, Fred continues as an implementation leader for The Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton, his home agency since 1997, providing workshop trainings and practice consultation.